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Bottom Fish Kahala (Amberjack)

Written by Paul Belmudes   
Friday, 09 April 2022 06:42

Five Miles of Trolling With No Action, Moved to the Bottom

Hit the water this morning with my fishing buddy Chris Finch and his friend Ryan. Chris has not been on the water since last September, so this was a special day for me. We both started kayak fishing together in 2006 and it brought back some good times as I saw him stretch his wings with the paddle and rod. Unfortunately, the top surface action of trolling did not provide us with the results we wanted. So we chose the alternative, the bottom.

Dropping down to 420 feet, my rod bent down and I had a hook-up. It felt big at first with the initial fight it gave me, but the fish succumbed and rose to the surface quite easily. Moving my video cameras into place, I was able to get some decent shots of the Amberkack known as a "kahala" in the Hawaiian language.

Read more: Bottom Fish Kahala (Amberjack)
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Oh... No Bites Today?

Written by Paul Belmudes   
Wednesday, 07 April 2022 23:27

They Said That No One is Hooking Up on the Big Island!

Got a voice message from one of my fishing buddies yesterday at 2 pm. The message said that he was at the local KTA grocery store in Keauhou and ran into a yak angler who just got off the water around 11 am. The angler said that nothing was happening in Keauhou including boats and the bite wasn't on. I was planning on fishing this week with him as long as the weather permitted (wind) and if his schedule becoming free from work. He pretty much told me that he was going to pass on fishing until next week since the bite was not on and there was no bait or good supply of fish at the KTA store in Keauhou. So I called him after listening to the message with him not knowing that I just got off the water in Keauhou with different results. I shared with him that the fish gods were on my side and that I was lucky enough to land a 38 pound ono within 30 minutes of dropping my bait. We kind of laughed and made the comment, "if you are not out on the water, you'll never catch... that's why they call it fishing."

It was a beautiful day in Keauhou Bay. Arrived at the launch site at 6:45 am to be greeted by a friend and his wife (Chris & Lori Monson) visiting from Alaska. Borrowed an extra kayak from one my good friends on the island and provided a basic kayak fishing setup for Chris. We rigged our yaks for departure and got into the water at 7:30 am. Headed southwest in an angle of the Sheraton hotel and proceeded to the my usual drop off at 200 feet. Casting my line over the side at a trolling distance of 200 feet marked-off by my dental floss marker on my 40 pound monofilament line. Not more than seven minutes into the pedal, my rod bent backwards and my reel started to scream.

Read more: Oh... No Bites Today?
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No Secrets Here... Learn How YakHawaii Makes His Trolling Rig

Written by Paul Belmudes   
Friday, 19 March 2022 06:42


Want to Catch a Toothy Critter?

With the weather being so crazy these last four weeks and lack of new video footage of catches, I put together this short video on how I rig my hooks for catching mahi, ono and shibi. There will probably be some critics who will say that I don't know what I am doing. But you have to ask yourself the question... "Am I catching pelagic fish here in Hawaii?" If you answered "yes" to this question, there is probably no need to watch the video unless you are curious on what I do. No secrets here! Do what is working for you. Hey maybe make a video and upload it to YouTube and I will post an article for you on YakHawaii. The more information to help those who seek more knowledge on Hawaii kayak fishing, the better! But if you answered "no" to the question, watch the video. Pick up a tip or two. I have adapted what was taught to me by one of the best kayak anglers on the Big Island of Hawaii and his name is Reggie Pare'.

Better yet, order a 75 minute DVD video of big game yak fishing tips titled, "Kayak Fishing - Hawaii" made by Reggie as he guides you to his past successes. This video will get you started with great fishing tips and thrill you with exciting big game catches. In one of his chapters, he comes up too close for comfort with a whale shark. Visit his website at Reggie does not know I am plugging him, but he is one quality kayak fishing buddy. And after watching his video, you will know Reggie better and it will help you understand Kayak Fishing in Hawaii. This morning, we fished together and every time we go out on the hunt, it's so much fun, even if we don't hook up!

Well anyways, I hope you enjoy my video and if you have the time and want to fish the Big Island with me, let me know! Maybe we can make this happen. {mos_fb_discuss:26}

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Get In the Picture with XShot 2.0 Kayak Mount

Written by Paul Belmudes   
Friday, 26 February 2022 05:56

Product Review for Mounting a Waterproof Video Camera

Just wanted to make you aware of a bundled product that I've been using for the last month. It's called the XShot 2.0 and XShot Kayak Mount. XShot is the maker of a camera extender that allows you to get in the picture with a background when you have no one else to take the photo. My video will pretty much tell you what it's all about. Even though it's not saltwater proof, I still recommend this as a substitute for a tripod or monopod because of its extending capabilities to 36 inches. It's built solid and allow full 360 degree of rotation on the RAM mount.

It can be purchased directly from their website at My suggestion is to get it bundled together for the retail price of $54.95 plus shipping.




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