New Website Design and New Additions to YakHawaii
Kayak Fishing Community and Forum Now Included
It's been very windy for kayak fishing on the Big Island. Not saying that I've not tried, but every time that I've launched, I had to turn back around and get off the water for safety reasons. When is the wind going to let up? With little time out on the water, I finally took the time to redesign and update a better website for YakHawaii.
We've now added two important features to our website called the Kayak Fishing Community and Forum. I was hesitant at first to add the Forum because there's another one in Hawaii that's more established and very popular with the local kayak anglers. But by the request of some of our current members that wanted an alternative choice in a forum to discuss Hawaii kayak fishing, we made a choice to make it happen. At this time, only members can access the Forum and eventually we'll roll it out to the public for viewing when we have more dialogue in the threads.
YakHawaii will now have a better voice for communication between all its members and much more than a simple forum. will now help you get connected into the local kayak fishing community! You can make fishing buddies, join and create kayak fishing groups, share your fishing photos and videos and show off the fish you catch from your kayak. You will learn new tips and tricks and even find the best fishing spots on the Hawaiian waters.
If you're a current member of YakHawaii, we encourage you to update your profile and upload your avatar image by logging onto the Kayak Fishing Community link. The best settings for the avatar images are 160 pixels by 160 pixels. If you have any kayak fishing buddies that have not visited our website, please invite them to join and get connected and have them join your own fishing group. We are the first to offer this valuable tool in Hawaii for your kayak fishing experiences. We are also looking for those who would love to contribute their stories of your kayak fishing experiences by becoming a writer of It's easy to submit an article, just let us know that you want permission granted to become an author by filling out the contact form or sending me an email.
Remember that this site is designed for you... our members of YakHawaii. And if you want to see other features added to this website, please let us know and we'll consider adding them. Aloha and tight lines!