What's Up?
Nothing Really!
Looking for some updates to YakHawaii? Time prevents me at this moment... but I will "holoholo" soon! My fishing buddy Chris moved to the mainland and now I will be back to kayak fishing solo! I've been working five days a week and have been doing activities on my days off. Lucky me... I get to try all the island activities (ATV, ZIPline, Helicopter) that visitors pay from $75 to $700 on the Big Island... and I even get to take a guest with me... and it's usually my wife or kids.
Nowadays... I just read what others post here on YakHawaii. Gosh... if you have something to really say... post your own article here... this website is self driven and I'll even walk you through it to get you posted. Just make sure it follows the content of kayak fishing. It's really easy. Let me know if I can help!
Managing a website is time consuming and sometimes I question myself for doing it. You couldn't imagine the head games that go along with a website and Hawaii kayak fishing. But I still have a passion for it when I have the time for fishing. Here's the latest video and a sendoff for my buddy Chris who fished with me for the last 5 years here on the Big Island of Hawaii. Aloha...
Visit my You Tube channel (http://www.youtube.com/yakhawaii) for latest video postings.