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Makahiki Day 2 & 3 Update

Written by Paul Belmudes
Sunday, 25 April 2022 19:00

YakHawaii Scores a BIG Zero for Two Days of Fishing in the Aquahunters 25 Day Competition

Just wanted to give an update on my performance in 2010 Aquahunters Makahiki. The caption explains it all as I was not able to boat a fish. No excuses and I wish I had something to write about and a new video to post, but I really do not want to write about "the one that got away." And since I've been so involved in the redevelopment and security of the YakHawaii website, my focus has not been in writing new articles. Maybe when I get out next week, I will have some new news about my fishing... almost embarrassing, but that's why they call it fishing.

For those new readers who have just stumbled across the YakHawaii website or just joined as members, the Makahiki competition is a 25 day event put on by aquahunters.com, a kayak fishing forum website in Hawaii. It started in February and will end in September covering 25 days of kayak fishing, ones that I carefully choose over this period of time. You are awarded points based on fish categories and at the end of the 8 months, the one who has the most points is the Makahiki winner. So far after 3 days in the event, I have a total of 27 points with only one mahi landed. There have been days that I've fished and landed fish (last 2 videos), but did not claimed them as official fishing days in the Makahiki. So strategy has not been very good on my part. So there's my update... 

If you want more information on this event, please visit Aquahunters (www.aquahunters.com). There is still time to enter the competition.
